Religious Education – More than just becoming an Adult in the Church

We learn as we grow. As children and young adults, we learn daily lessons at school each day. This helps our mind to develop, and for us to start thinking freely. As adults, we learn to apply those lessons to life. It is the same with Religious Education: as children we learn the lesson, and as adults we learn to relate it to life. This is why Religious Education will always be a building block in life and in learning.

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Religious Education – The Parent’s Side


After much discussion, we decided to write two different blogs this week about Religious Education. We already informed you as to why you should send your child(ren) to Religious Education; now we thought we’d let you know how easy it is to sign up! Since we want to cater to both our parishes and parents, we thought we’d do a blog focusing on each individual! Look out for a part 2 for parishes later on this week!

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Be the DRE that gets Paid!

It is hard to believe that another school year is coming to an end in a few short months. Daylight Saving is a week away, and it will be Palm Sunday before we know it. That means it is time to start thinking about Religious Education during the 2021-22 school year. There are many unknowns as to how the school year will be ran, but we need to prepare for all scenarios. This is how Parish Giving can help, and to guarantee that you will have a successful year.

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RE: The Year We Have

It has been a whirlwind five months. So many questions that are unanswered: how are we educating our children? Are hybrid classes the best choice? Are our children safe in the classroom? Is my child able to learn online? There is much uncertainty in children’s education that most do not know the correct choice for Religious Education either. Parish Giving is here to support whatever decision you have made and would like to share what some parishes have come up with.

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Common Cents

Now is the time for Online Giving.

For close to twenty years, parishes have found online giving to be a useful tool to supplement their Offertory Collection.  Forward thinking parishes employed this tool to safeguard against the disruption to the weekly collection due to illness, vacations, and inclement weather.  Today we see the value of using online giving because of Covid-19.

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A Day in the Life

It’s 8:30am. The Parish Giving office phone rings. The person on the other end of the phone expects an automated machine directory telling them to press 1 for Person A, or press 2 for Person B. Instead, they are greeted by a friendly voice saying, “Parish Giving”. The caller shocked and surprised as the receptionist repeats, “This is Parish Giving”. Now the person on the end of the phone feels at ease and asks to speak to someone about their account. Real people talking to real people; a concept we believe in here at Parish Giving that sets us apart from others.

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Youth Ministry: How You Belong in the Church

Often times once you are confirmed in the church, you may struggle with a reason to attend Mass anymore. You feel as though you have learned enough through Religious Education, and that attending Mass will not provide any real benefit to your life. That is simply not true. As we mature, our minds widen. That is why it is important to attend Mass and allow our minds to develop with Catholic teachings. Youth Ministry (YM) allows us to do so.

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