The other week when I was at the gym, I noticed the church next door was having their annual carnival. Seeing all of the rides up, the concession stands, and all of the happy faces sure brought back plenty of memories from years past. It is nice to see the return to Church Carnival season, but there is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into making it successful. Parish Giving would like to help! Here are some of the ways we can make your Carnival Season more successful!
Online forms for Tickets and Wristband sales
Skip the line and pay with our online forms instead! We make it simple and secure to purchase all wristbands and other tickets online. We provide the information to the Carnival Committee, and they can have a pick-up booth, or they can mail out all wrist bands and tickets. The choice is yours.
Volunteer sign-ups
Without parish volunteers the Carnival itself would cease to exist. They collect the tickets, serve the food, clean up the grounds, and much more. We can have the forms labeled for all the positions needed, and parishioners along with the community can pick out the job that suits them and their time the most. Volunteers for games or food service would be able to then choose what stand they would like to work.
And don’t forget about the Dunk Tank! No Church Carnival is complete without one and we can help with the list of volunteers who will be in the hot seat, and for those who are helping to pass out the equipment.
To make anything a success you need to advertise, advertise, and advertise some more. Think posting signs around town, putting a flyer in your church bulletin, email information in your Constant Contact, and post about it on your social media platforms. In addition to all of that, you can ask us to post it on our social media sites and you will double your exposure!
Find Sponsorship
Most Church Carnivals would not be financially possible without the funding from local businesses. We would be able to create an online form where local businesses are able to provide donations towards the carnival. We would be able to provide a spreadsheet with all of the businesses who donated and how much.
As you can see, Parish Giving is here to help you and your Church Carnival! Give us a call today so we can discuss which form works best for you and your parish! We look forward to speaking with you and helping your event be successful this year, and for years to come!