Good Old Fashioned Customer Service

We live in a time and place where we expect an immediate response. The only issue is, is that the reply is usually an automated message from a computer. What happened to the days when you would call a business and speak to an actual human being? Well here at Parish Giving, we believe in good old fashion customer service.

Our backbone here at Parish Giving is our customer service. It is much more than just a person answering a phone each time you call. We are not a call center, we are not a place where an employee is a number rather than name. Instead we are a small and intimate office setting and we are all on a first name basis. Because of this, we bring the same demeanor to our customers. They are not a number in our system, but a person with a name.

Being honest, being helpful, and being humble. That is how we are often described by those who use our services. We are able to solve just about any problem, and if we are personally not able to solve it, then we know someone who can. It is all about taking that extra step to make a one-time user a weekly supporter. A weekly supporter means more donations for the parish, the community and schools. Something we can all benefit from.

Next time you call a business and have to listen to a menu of options, remember we do not believe in that here at Parish Giving. We believe that if you aren’t taking care of your customers, your competition will. That is why you are important to us.