QR Code

This time last year QR codes made a huge explosion on the media scene. They were always there sitting quietly in the background, but now they are front and center. Many restaurants are using them for their online menus, while news networks place them on the television screen so viewers can be directed to their app or website. Your parish should be doing the same. You can create a QR code for anything – your website, your bulletin, your church’s Parish Giving site, and so much more. All you need is 5 minutes to demonstrate how one works, and your parishioners can then view anything electronically.

Technology Education

Change is good. It really is. We all fear change, but we really shouldn’t. This includes learning and having to adapt to a different source of information. That’s why we think offering informational sessions prior or after Mass to help show how technology can help them with their parish community. Let them see the apps and social media sites the parish uses to keep in touch with parishioners and to encourage everyone to use them.

Hello, Technology!

Is Your Parish Discussing Technology Education?

Technology is more popular than ever. We basically do everything on our tablets and phones. We stream our Netflix, dance to TikTok videos, follow our favorite YouTubers, and shop from our favorite stores too. As you can see, technology is only going to become more and more necessary for everyday life. That is why it is essential that parishes embrace technology and utilize it in their parish.

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Fall Back to School

It feels as though summer just started. Shore towns started to open, swimming pools and splash parks started to fill with families, and the smell of freshly cut grass filled the air. Now all the commercials on television are about back to school deals. Where did summer go? Well, either way it is time for a new school year and a fresh start. Here is how Parish Giving is preparing for another school year.

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Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week of May brings Teacher Appreciation Week. Since it’s towards the end of the school year, it is a great time to reminisce and think about all the things that your teacher or teachers have done for their students. It does not matter if they are their grade school teacher, religious education teacher or an extra-curricular teacher. They all bring something to the classroom.

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Travel for the Holiday’s

Thanksgiving is perhaps one of the busiest travel holidays of the year. College students are coming home for the first time since the beginning of the semester, friends and family are flying in from out of town and roads are busier due to the long holiday weekend. Are you one of the millions travelling this Thanksgiving? If you are, Parish Giving is here to help!

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Halloween: To Trick or Treat, or Trunk or Treat?

Pumpkins, leaves changing colors, less daylight; all of this can mean one thing – Halloween is quickly approaching! Children will be dressed as a pumpkin, their favorite superhero/character, a ghost, etc. School parades, tricky trays and the ever popular trunk or treat and trick or treats! This leaves the question of which is better: to trick or treat, or to trunk or treat?

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Youth Ministry: How You Belong in the Church

Often times once you are confirmed in the church, you may struggle with a reason to attend Mass anymore. You feel as though you have learned enough through Religious Education, and that attending Mass will not provide any real benefit to your life. That is simply not true. As we mature, our minds widen. That is why it is important to attend Mass and allow our minds to develop with Catholic teachings. Youth Ministry (YM) allows us to do so.

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Keep the Conversation Going – Why Your Church Should Be On Social Media

In this 2-part series, we’ll be discussing why your church should be on social media. We’ve learned through the past decade that social media is not going anywhere, so we should use it to our advantage. There isn’t an age group that uses it more than others, and research has shown that nearly three-quarters of our population uses some platform on social media. That’s a lot of people to be in touch with.

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Carnival Season!

The time has arrived for Church Carnival Season! The days are longer, the sun is warm and inviting, and school is coming to an end with summer vacation upon us. With summer break comes creative ways to entertain the family. This is why a Church Carnival is important for the parish and the area it is in. Here at Parish Giving, we are all about bringing everyone together and that’s why we choose to celebrate Church Carnival season!

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