Spinning Your Parish Web

It takes a team to make things work. A team wins championships because they communicate – it’s not just because of their individual talent alone. Everyone has their place and job, and they come together and make it work. A parish is the same way. Each person has their role, but they need to support and listen to one another to make it work. You need the clergy, the administrative staff, and the parishioners to all work together to make the parish successful. This is how to keep your parish as a well-oiled machine:

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Back to the Pew

It’s that time of the year. Christmas and Epiphany are now over, and when we see snow in the forecast, the Easter season is not in site. So, the question becomes, “how do we put our parishioners back in the pew”? Well, we think we have the answer for this – you must welcome them back and you can do it with your social media accounts. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how!

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How are you Welcoming Back your Parishioners?

It’s beginning to feel more like 2019 again. Schools are having after school activities, youth groups are having in person activities again, and families are making plans to gather for the holiday season. It really makes you feel good inside! The question some parishioners have is how are you welcoming us back who have been streaming Mass online? Here are some of the ideas we have heard from some parishes, and we think they are great!

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Don’t Take the Remembrance out of Memorial Day

This is the first normal Memorial Day we have had in two years. Last year we were not able to observe the holiday as it deserved. Masses were scaled down, parades were cancelled, and cookouts were with the people in your household. For me, it made me realize how important of a holiday Memorial Day really is. This year let’s put the remembrance back into the holiday by honoring those who have fallen for our country.

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More Love G4G

As we revisit G4G, we have learned that perseverance always pays off!

Love can be defined as a strong feeling of deep affection.

This must be the most difficult blog I’ve written to date. As someone who is childless in their mid-30’s, I have been debating how I need to approach this topic for weeks. It is not to say I have little empathy for those who are not able to raise their own child, but rather I have too much empathy for the child who was dealt this lot in life. I’ll never forget my sociology professor my freshman year of college stated that, “we choose our parents”. I cannot imagine any child choosing for their parents to be absent in their lives. With all this being said, Gratitude 4 Grandparents is the silver lining in these child’s lives.

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Friends of the Poor Walk

In the past, Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Society has held an annual Walk for the Poor. It helps to raise funds and awareness for SVDP and those who use it. To give a bit of background SVDP is a society in which volunteers help to feed, clothe, and help those who may not be financially stable. Some societies only have a food pantry, while others have financial options. All do amazing work for their community.

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Community Band Aid 2

We had no idea when we first started the Community Band Aid blog that there would be any additional ideas! Well it turns out we were wrong! A couple of new stories came into us and we thought that we just had to share them with our followers! It is great to see how people in the community are reaching out to one another during this difficult time and making lemonade from the lemons!

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Community Band Aid

Time is a funny thing. We have been working from home for the past four months. It seems much longer than that, but if I were on sabbatical for four months it would have gone by in the blink of an eye. But why is that? Perhaps it is because I felt needed and useful if I was able to help out. Being tucked in safe at home I do not feel as useful to my community. But then I realized I am able to help out my community during this time. Here are some ideas on how you can put some of your community energy:

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Halloween: To Trick or Treat, or Trunk or Treat?

Pumpkins, leaves changing colors, less daylight; all of this can mean one thing – Halloween is quickly approaching! Children will be dressed as a pumpkin, their favorite superhero/character, a ghost, etc. School parades, tricky trays and the ever popular trunk or treat and trick or treats! This leaves the question of which is better: to trick or treat, or to trunk or treat?

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