
The Heart and Soul of the Parish Community

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘what are you doing for others?’”. It is a good question to ask yourself – what are you doing for others? In this day and age volunteering seems to be done by two groups of people: those who are required to do it for school, and those who are retired with time on their hands. What about the rest of us? We say we want to, but never do. Here’s how we can change it – let’s volunteer!

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Fall Back to School

It feels as though summer just started. Shore towns started to open, swimming pools and splash parks started to fill with families, and the smell of freshly cut grass filled the air. Now all the commercials on television are about back to school deals. Where did summer go? Well, either way it is time for a new school year and a fresh start. Here is how Parish Giving is preparing for another school year.

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Preparing for Fall – Promotional Materials

It is hard to believe, but September is right around the corner. That means children will be back in school, sports will be taking place on weekends and weekday evenings, after school activities will be on the rise again, and it will be feeling like 2019 again. That means more faces will be attending Mass and will be reading promotional materials from your parish. Well Parish Giving is here to help you decide what, where and when to post Promotional Materials for online giving and more!

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Be the DRE that gets Paid!

It is hard to believe that another school year is coming to an end in a few short months. Daylight Saving is a week away, and it will be Palm Sunday before we know it. That means it is time to start thinking about Religious Education during the 2021-22 school year. There are many unknowns as to how the school year will be ran, but we need to prepare for all scenarios. This is how Parish Giving can help, and to guarantee that you will have a successful year.

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Congratulations to us! We made it to our 100th blog! We thought a great way to celebrate number 100 was to give our readers a Wellness blog. As you have read from us in the past, we are supporters and advocates for self-love and wellness. Here are some of our tips for a day of wellness, or ways to just un-wind from your hectic day. Enjoy!

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Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week of May brings Teacher Appreciation Week. Since it’s towards the end of the school year, it is a great time to reminisce and think about all the things that your teacher or teachers have done for their students. It does not matter if they are their grade school teacher, religious education teacher or an extra-curricular teacher. They all bring something to the classroom.

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