Summer Religious Education

That was a fast school year! All of a sudden it’s graduation ceremonies, parties and school transitions. It is a lot on your family’s plate. Once all of it is over with, you have eight weeks of warm weather in front of you. How are you to occupy your younger ones until the first day of school, or until you have your summer vacation? It’s easy – Summer Religious Education.

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Torn in Every Direction

You walk into the kitchen. Dirty dishes are piled high in the sink. Someone spilled milk on the floor and didn’t clean it up. The trash is over flowing. The recyclables have not been taken out. And no one has even thought about what’s for dinner tonight. This is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s that time of year where life is throwing a curveball at you from every direction. We want to help throw one less in your direction.

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Religious Education – The Parent’s Side


After much discussion, we decided to write two different blogs this week about Religious Education. We already informed you as to why you should send your child(ren) to Religious Education; now we thought we’d let you know how easy it is to sign up! Since we want to cater to both our parishes and parents, we thought we’d do a blog focusing on each individual! Look out for a part 2 for parishes later on this week!

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Tuition Simplified

It’s that time of the year again where we start thinking about next year school’s tuition. There are numerous sites out there in which you can pay your tuition online. They all seem pretty similar don’t they; generic guarantees and making you just another number in their books. Don’t you want something different this coming school year? Parish Giving is that something different.

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Why Give Online?

Why give online? This seems to be a question we are asked quite often here at Parish Giving. The concept of giving your weekly church offering online seems to be a concept not many parishioners and parish administrators are completely onboard with. But why? Let’s examine all of what you do online, and how much easier it has made your life. Perhaps you will then view Parish Giving differently.

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