Summer is here! Families are traveling, concerts are in full swing, and people are making plans to visit friends and family they haven’t seen in a while. This also means that church attendance may be lower than normal during the prime summer months of July and August. Here we have come up with a few ideas on how to keep your parishioners engaged during the summer months, and how to make sure weekly offerings are coming in regularly. Keep reading to find out how!
Continue reading “Summer is Here!”Tag: Summer Vacation
Fall Back to School
It feels as though summer just started. Shore towns started to open, swimming pools and splash parks started to fill with families, and the smell of freshly cut grass filled the air. Now all the commercials on television are about back to school deals. Where did summer go? Well, either way it is time for a new school year and a fresh start. Here is how Parish Giving is preparing for another school year.
A Continuation
As you can remember, we left off our last blog discussing our online forms. They were our ticket item to create more of a buzz when it came to communicating with our parishes. No longer were we just a weekly offering site; we are now something more meaningful.
Staycation: Part 1
Staycation is a word in our vocabulary like hangry or mansplain; we use it in everyday conversations. When asked what we are doing during our summer vacation, we may replay with, “I’m doing a staycation this year, how about you?”. Parish Giving thought we would celebrate those who are participating in the staycation this summer and give you some ideas! Keep reading for more details! Continue reading “Staycation: Part 1”
Pet Rescue
As you can see from previous blogs we are animal lovers here at Parish Giving. We love to rescue and adopt all pets. Some of them are conventional like dogs and cats, while others are less orthodox like horses and pigs. Either way, we know the importance of sharing our lives with an animal that needs us.
Summer Vacation
It’s already the end of May. Mother’s Day has passed, and so has Memorial Day weekend! By this time, the kids have a countdown to the last day of school, and parents are finalizing their vacations and their kid’s summer activities. What’s left to do? Remember your parish during the crazy days of summer.
- Beach house
Carnival Season!
The time has arrived for Church Carnival Season! The days are longer, the sun is warm and inviting, and school is coming to an end with summer vacation upon us. With summer break comes creative ways to entertain the family. This is why a Church Carnival is important for the parish and the area it is in. Here at Parish Giving, we are all about bringing everyone together and that’s why we choose to celebrate Church Carnival season!
Vacation Bible School
Once you’ve hit the 100 day mark at school, the next thing children look forward to is summer vacation! As a parent, and member of the church, you want them to keep their mind and bodies active during the summer months. What better way than Vacation Bible School?