Youth Ministry – Top 5 Reasons as to Why Your Church Should Have One

Youth Ministries seem to be popping up more frequently around the Catholic Church. Growing up, my family’s church didn’t have one. I never understood the importance of gathering with my peers and having discussions about faith, and fun activities to do with one another. So I thought I’d share 5 reasons as to why your church should have one so today’s youth doesn’t miss out on all the fun!

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The Importance of Social Media Part 2

As you probably remember, last week we started the conversation as to why your parish should use social media. You can attract Millenials and iGens to your church, convert with RCIA, use it for events and to broadcast your weekly mass. That is just a small fraction of what you are able to do with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Here are some successful events we have found using various social media sites!

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Religious Education – The Parent’s Side


After much discussion, we decided to write two different blogs this week about Religious Education. We already informed you as to why you should send your child(ren) to Religious Education; now we thought we’d let you know how easy it is to sign up! Since we want to cater to both our parishes and parents, we thought we’d do a blog focusing on each individual! Look out for a part 2 for parishes later on this week!

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Why use our Forms?

Church is about much more than just religion; it’s about building a community. What better way to build a community than to offer events at your parish. It brings people together that share a common bond, values and other interests. Everything from a Parish Picnic to Baseball and everything in between are great activities and fund raisers for the church. It can all be simplified with an online giving form too!

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Religious Education – More than just becoming an Adult in the Church

We learn as we grow. As children and young adults, we learn daily lessons at school each day. This helps our mind to develop, and for us to start thinking freely. As adults, we learn to apply those lessons to life. It is the same with Religious Education: as children we learn the lesson, and as adults we learn to relate it to life. This is why Religious Education will always be a building block in life and in learning.

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A Day in the Life

It’s 8:30am. The Parish Giving office phone rings. The person on the other end of the phone expects an automated machine directory telling them to press 1 for Person A, or press 2 for Person B. Instead, they are greeted by a friendly voice saying, “Parish Giving”. The caller shocked and surprised as the receptionist repeats, “This is Parish Giving”. Now the person on the end of the phone feels at ease and asks to speak to someone about their account. Real people talking to real people; a concept we believe in here at Parish Giving that sets us apart from others.

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