
Growing up some of my fondest memories of visiting my grandparents was the garden they had. My Pop-Pop always had corn, different color beans, tomatoes, and much more. He also grew flowers and herbs that kept the air smelling nice and sweet. Because of him I started my own small vegetable and herb garden in the backyard, and this year I have attempted to grow a peony bush just like the one he had in his garden.

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Be the DRE that gets Paid!

It is hard to believe that another school year is coming to an end in a few short months. Daylight Saving is a week away, and it will be Palm Sunday before we know it. That means it is time to start thinking about Religious Education during the 2021-22 school year. There are many unknowns as to how the school year will be ran, but we need to prepare for all scenarios. This is how Parish Giving can help, and to guarantee that you will have a successful year.

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Community Band Aid 2

We had no idea when we first started the Community Band Aid blog that there would be any additional ideas! Well it turns out we were wrong! A couple of new stories came into us and we thought that we just had to share them with our followers! It is great to see how people in the community are reaching out to one another during this difficult time and making lemonade from the lemons!

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Common Cents

Now is the time for Online Giving.

For close to twenty years, parishes have found online giving to be a useful tool to supplement their Offertory Collection.  Forward thinking parishes employed this tool to safeguard against the disruption to the weekly collection due to illness, vacations, and inclement weather.  Today we see the value of using online giving because of Covid-19.

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I’m sitting at home right now catching up on emails and my to do list for tomorrow. I check my email quickly and notice the subject line on the email reads: Need some self-care? We got you. Yes Ulta, I could use some self-care. Perhaps not the kind that you can provide me with right now because let’s face it, the last thing I care about is how this lipstick is more early spring than late spring. Instead I’m looking for the self-care that makes me feel good during this pandemic we are currently going through. I thought I’d assemble a couple of quick ideas that can make us all feel human again.

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