Preparing for Fall – Promotional Materials

It is hard to believe, but September is right around the corner. That means children will be back in school, sports will be taking place on weekends and weekday evenings, after school activities will be on the rise again, and it will be feeling like 2019 again. That means more faces will be attending Mass and will be reading promotional materials from your parish. Well Parish Giving is here to help you decide what, where and when to post Promotional Materials for online giving and more!


We are so proud of our graphics! There are so many to choose from, and they come in different shapes and sizes to fit your parishes needs! They can be customized, and we even have some that feature a picture of your parish in them. For a parishioner, or a visitor, to be able to point out your parish on a graphic will make them want to read what the parish is advertising!

QR Codes

When the parishioner sees that there is a QR code on the Parish Giving graphic, they will want to scan it and see where it takes them. They will be sent to your online giving page with Parish Giving. No need to enter a zip code, or a 5-mile radius, it will instead direct them to your page. This will make online giving easier for the parishioner since they will see the parish is encouraging them to give online.

Graphic Placement

Yes, there are certain places where the graphic should go or not go! First, we love it when we see Parish Giving graphics in your parish bulletin. Reading over the pages and seeing different designs being used by our parishes makes us excited!

You can also have flyers printed out for your parish and mailed to you! This way you can disperse the flyer the way that suits your parish best. You can post one on a community bulletin board, place them inside of your parish bulletin, put them in your parish office, or even in your schools. This way people will see them multiple times over and will want to see what is going on.

Do not forget that if you are sent the graphic electronically to include it in Constant Contact Emails, on your social media sites, your FlockNotes, and your parish website. When it comes to social media and emails, you can always see how many people are viewing your content. The more views the better!

If you would like more information about our FREE graphics and flyers, email us at We can add you to our seasonal email for Promotional Materials that will help increase your parishes online giving, or their weekly offering in general. We hope you have a successful Fall with our Promotional Materials both online and in print!