Why give online? This seems to be a question we are asked quite often here at Parish Giving. The concept of giving your weekly church offering online seems to be a concept not many parishioners and parish administrators are completely onboard with. But why? Let’s examine all of what you do online, and how much easier it has made your life. Perhaps you will then view Parish Giving differently.
Continue reading “Why Give Online?”Tag: Online Giving
Summer is Here!

Summer is here! Families are traveling, concerts are in full swing, and people are making plans to visit friends and family they haven’t seen in a while. This also means that church attendance may be lower than normal during the prime summer months of July and August. Here we have come up with a few ideas on how to keep your parishioners engaged during the summer months, and how to make sure weekly offerings are coming in regularly. Keep reading to find out how!
Continue reading “Summer is Here!”Preparing for Fall – Promotional Materials
It is hard to believe, but September is right around the corner. That means children will be back in school, sports will be taking place on weekends and weekday evenings, after school activities will be on the rise again, and it will be feeling like 2019 again. That means more faces will be attending Mass and will be reading promotional materials from your parish. Well Parish Giving is here to help you decide what, where and when to post Promotional Materials for online giving and more!
Continue reading “Preparing for Fall – Promotional Materials”
Getting Back to It
The past 15 months has been a rollercoaster. Between shutdowns, mandates, different rules in different states, and so much more, we are more than ever ready to be getting back to it. It seems appropriate to start during summer since many need some rest and relaxation, and it also helps us to slowly reacquaint ourselves with in-person Mass. Here are some suggestions of how to start getting back to it.
What’s on Your Church Website
As time goes by, churches ask Parish Giving the same thing: what should we include on our website? Well, we thought after a while, why not make a blog about it? Since our goal is to attract traffic to your website, we thought that these are the best items and links to have on your church’s website.
As you know, 2020 was a year unlike any other in our lifetime. One of the major things we learned was how to communicate while in our home offices. We enjoyed our conference calls and seeing everyone’s faces, but at the same time, we feel as though we could have done better. In 2021 our goal is better communication and that starts with you! We are asking for suggestions from our loyal users about how we can communicate better. As you have read in our latest blast, communication is key in any relationship, and your relationship is important to us!
Here are some of the ideas we have come up with so far:
Catholic Schools Week 2021
It is hard to believe that Catholic Schools Week is upon us once again. This year it is from January 31st to February 6th. Parish Giving would like to share with you as to how we help and support Catholic Schools in ways you may not think! We offer much more than online giving you know!
September Recap
It is difficult to believe that this is the last full week of September. It was a month in which numerous decisions needed to be made for school, religious education, and other activities. Parish Giving was here to help each parish with their individual needs. We wanted to share our recap to show how we are able to help even when it is difficult to see that light at the end of the tunnel.
Common Cents
Now is the time for Online Giving.
For close to twenty years, parishes have found online giving to be a useful tool to supplement their Offertory Collection. Forward thinking parishes employed this tool to safeguard against the disruption to the weekly collection due to illness, vacations, and inclement weather. Today we see the value of using online giving because of Covid-19.
A Statement from Parish Giving concerning COVID-19
How it all Began
Can you believe it’s been a year and a half since we started this blog, and we have yet to write about how it all began? The question why was Parish Giving created is much more than a one word answer – it’s a story that should be shared with our followers and users. This is how it all started.