Background – The 1990s was a tumultuous time in Northern Ireland. The Troubles have been going on for nearly 40 years and it just became a part of daily life. Riots, bombings, and car fires were seen on the daily news. You knew to stay in your neighborhood where it was safe. Despite all of this, teens are the same all around the world. So long as you have your clique, you can get through anything.
A Continuation
As you can remember, we left off our last blog discussing our online forms. They were our ticket item to create more of a buzz when it came to communicating with our parishes. No longer were we just a weekly offering site; we are now something more meaningful.
How it all Began
Can you believe it’s been a year and a half since we started this blog, and we have yet to write about how it all began? The question why was Parish Giving created is much more than a one word answer – it’s a story that should be shared with our followers and users. This is how it all started.
Plan for a Successful Fall
As we mentioned in last week’s blog, it’s never too early to plan for fall. Our teachers are gearing up for a new school year, and so should our parishes. We want to make sure that you are utilizing Parish Giving to benefit you the most! Keep reading to find out how!
Plan for Fall
Believe it or not, television commercials are dedicated to back to school! Teachers are gearing up for their classrooms with seasonal decorations, motivational pictures and plenty of ideas on how to make this school year better than the last. Are you doing the same thing with your Fall plans? Remember, it all starts now!
Staycation: Part Two
If you enjoyed our part one in the series, you are sure to enjoy part two! We have bigger and better ideas on what you can do during your staycation to save money and keep your family entertained! Here we go!
Staycation: Part 1
Staycation is a word in our vocabulary like hangry or mansplain; we use it in everyday conversations. When asked what we are doing during our summer vacation, we may replay with, “I’m doing a staycation this year, how about you?”. Parish Giving thought we would celebrate those who are participating in the staycation this summer and give you some ideas! Keep reading for more details! Continue reading “Staycation: Part 1”
How to Prepare Your Child for VBS
Have you seen all the signs for Vacation Bible School in front of a lot of churches? It seems as though everywhere I turn they are popping up! It’s great to see that VBS is still as popular as ever! Are you worried if your child is ready for a week long VBS? Well we have some sure ways to figure out if you and your child are ready to take the big step for Vacation Bible School!
First Day of Summer
Happy First Day of Summer to all of our readers! It’s all about swimming pools, the beach and enjoying the warmer weather! We find that we have more time in our day to enjoy the little things like attending a ball game after work, or going to a splash park during the evening to watch the sunset. This week we’ll be dedicating our blog to those who know how to enjoy summer!
The Secret Life of Parish Giving Pets
We thought we’d give our readers a part 2 to our Pet Rescue blog. Animals are a soft spot for most of us on the social media team, and we thought we would share some stories of our loveable pets!