Why do we always feel the need for something to do?

Does anyone know how to be bored anymore? This is a question that enters my head quite a bit. We are a species that is always on the move. From home to work, then work to activities, then dinner and bed. Repeat this for five days straight. When Saturday morning comes around, we do not know what to do. Some of us are good at hitting the snooze button, while others need an invitation to do something. Well, I have a thought – Why is it good to be bored?

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Congratulations to us! We made it to our 100th blog! We thought a great way to celebrate number 100 was to give our readers a Wellness blog. As you have read from us in the past, we are supporters and advocates for self-love and wellness. Here are some of our tips for a day of wellness, or ways to just un-wind from your hectic day. Enjoy!

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