Community Band Aid 2

We had no idea when we first started the Community Band Aid blog that there would be any additional ideas! Well it turns out we were wrong! A couple of new stories came into us and we thought that we just had to share them with our followers! It is great to see how people in the community are reaching out to one another during this difficult time and making lemonade from the lemons!

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Time, Talent and Treasure

Sharing Your Abilities with the Community

We thought we’d offer a different kind of blog for you this week; something about the community. As you know Parish Giving is a part of John Patrick Publishing. Since many parishioners notice their phone number on the back of the bulletin, JPP often receives phone calls from parishioners about needing a handyman service. We politely direct them to their parish office and ask them speak to someone who takes care of the bulletin and have them put an announcement in for them. This brought up the idea of sharing your abilities with those in your community so you can help make it a better place.

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Carnival Season!

The time has arrived for Church Carnival Season! The days are longer, the sun is warm and inviting, and school is coming to an end with summer vacation upon us. With summer break comes creative ways to entertain the family. This is why a Church Carnival is important for the parish and the area it is in. Here at Parish Giving, we are all about bringing everyone together and that’s why we choose to celebrate Church Carnival season!

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