Faith vs. Fear

Albus Dumbledore is one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter series. He was a man of great intellect and faith, but he was by no means perfect. He had flaws just like the rest of us which made him more likeable and relatable. One of his most popular quotes from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was, “we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy”. It is pretty similar in the choice of having faith or living in fear. The question is, how do we choose faith over fear?

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Unconditional Love

Love is a very popular word this time of the year. With Valentine’s Day on Monday, we are a bit sweeter and gooier, like your favorite chocolate treat, than normal. But what happens after the holiday? Not only do we feel guilty about eating a chocolate heart, but we forget what love really means. That is why it is important to focus on unconditional love. Unconditional love helps you see the love within and without any condition. Here is how we found our unconditional love for the other 364 days of the year.

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Fast, Pray, Give

Many of us are familiar with the book and movie Eat, Pray, Love. The journey one woman went through (Eat in Italy, Pray in India, Love in Indonesia) to overcome a divorce. Well, what about the time of year where we follow Fast, Pray, Give? We Fast on Ash Wednesday, and Fridays until Easter, pray to be closer to God, and Give to those who have less, and it all takes place for 40 days of Lent. The Lenten season is only a few weeks away, and we want to make sure that you are ready for Fast, Pray and Give.

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Back to the Pew

It’s that time of the year. Christmas and Epiphany are now over, and when we see snow in the forecast, the Easter season is not in site. So, the question becomes, “how do we put our parishioners back in the pew”? Well, we think we have the answer for this – you must welcome them back and you can do it with your social media accounts. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how!

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Be Thankful for Everything

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is this coming Thursday. It is a day in which we reflect upon the past year and see how our lives have grown and changed. We remind ourselves that we should be thankful for the things we have, rather than be upset with ourselves for what we think we are missing. It is also about gratitude – showing our appreciation for what we have. So, this is our blog dedicated being thankful for everything that we have. Hope you enjoy!

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How are you Welcoming Back your Parishioners?

It’s beginning to feel more like 2019 again. Schools are having after school activities, youth groups are having in person activities again, and families are making plans to gather for the holiday season. It really makes you feel good inside! The question some parishioners have is how are you welcoming us back who have been streaming Mass online? Here are some of the ideas we have heard from some parishes, and we think they are great!

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Teach How to Give Online

During the past 18-months your parishioners and you probably became quite creative when it came to weekly offerings. I have heard of giving boxes outside of the parish, people mailing their envelopes in, or some not giving because they didn’t know how. Well, why not instruct your parishioners to use Parish Giving? Each parish has their own giving page, and we can create a QR code for your parishioners to scan and take them there. You can place the QR code on the bulletin, social media sites, parish website, and constant contact emails.

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Finding Faber App

Our partners in crime at John Patrick Publishing created an app for their wonderful church bulletin advertisers. Here you can view the church sponsors that are on your church bulletin and receive sales and incentives by the advertisers. Instruct your parishioners to go to the QR code on the back of their bulletin and download the app that is suitable for their device. Teach them how to locate businesses in their area and to see what is on offer. Your sponsors supported you during a difficult year, so it is time for us to support them.