Summer is here! Families are traveling, concerts are in full swing, and people are making plans to visit friends and family they haven’t seen in a while. This also means that church attendance may be lower than normal during the prime summer months of July and August. Here we have come up with a few ideas on how to keep your parishioners engaged during the summer months, and how to make sure weekly offerings are coming in regularly. Keep reading to find out how!
Continue reading “Summer is Here!”Tag: sharing
National Wildlife Day
It is September 4th which means it is National Wildlife Day! This day is supposed to bring attention to different species in your area, and the rest of the world. So, I thought in honor of National Wildlife Day some of us from the Parish Giving team would tell our readers about our favorite wild species and why! Hope you enjoy!
Time, Talent and Treasure
Sharing Your Abilities with the Community
We thought we’d offer a different kind of blog for you this week; something about the community. As you know Parish Giving is a part of John Patrick Publishing. Since many parishioners notice their phone number on the back of the bulletin, JPP often receives phone calls from parishioners about needing a handyman service. We politely direct them to their parish office and ask them speak to someone who takes care of the bulletin and have them put an announcement in for them. This brought up the idea of sharing your abilities with those in your community so you can help make it a better place.
St. John Chrysostom in Wallingford – Paving the way for those with Disabilities
Catholic Philly has an amazing write-up about one of their parishioners, Jessica Clark. Jessica grew up in the Catholic Church and has a passion for volunteering. The article written by Mary Chollet, a fellow parishioner at St. John Chrysostom, shares how having a disability doesn’t mean you are not able to serve your church.
Continue reading “St. John Chrysostom in Wallingford – Paving the way for those with Disabilities”