Endearing Derry Girls

Background – The 1990s was a tumultuous time in Northern Ireland. The Troubles have been going on for nearly 40 years and it just became a part of daily life. Riots, bombings, and car fires were seen on the daily news. You knew to stay in your neighborhood where it was safe. Despite all of this, teens are the same all around the world. So long as you have your clique, you can get through anything.  

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Staycation: Part 1

Staycation is a word in our vocabulary like hangry or mansplain; we use it in everyday conversations. When asked what we are doing during our summer vacation, we may replay with, “I’m doing a staycation this year, how about you?”. Parish Giving thought we would celebrate those who are participating in the staycation this summer and give you some ideas! Keep reading for more details! Continue reading “Staycation: Part 1”

Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week of May brings Teacher Appreciation Week. Since it’s towards the end of the school year, it is a great time to reminisce and think about all the things that your teacher or teachers have done for their students. It does not matter if they are their grade school teacher, religious education teacher or an extra-curricular teacher. They all bring something to the classroom.

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Spring into Savings!

Happy First Day of Spring! Our geese friends Jay and P. are outside honking, we’re taking our allergy medicine each morning because the trees are starting to blossom, and the grey winter sky is starting to turn into a happy blue! Finally, spring is here! That means it is time to spring into savings with Parish Giving! Large Parish, small parish, it doesn’t matter!  You can pick and choose online solutions that work for you.  Continue reading to find out how!

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Youth Ministry – Top 5 Reasons as to Why Your Church Should Have One

Youth Ministries seem to be popping up more frequently around the Catholic Church. Growing up, my family’s church didn’t have one. I never understood the importance of gathering with my peers and having discussions about faith, and fun activities to do with one another. So I thought I’d share 5 reasons as to why your church should have one so today’s youth doesn’t miss out on all the fun!

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