Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week of May brings Teacher Appreciation Week. Since it’s towards the end of the school year, it is a great time to reminisce and think about all the things that your teacher or teachers have done for their students. It does not matter if they are their grade school teacher, religious education teacher or an extra-curricular teacher. They all bring something to the classroom.

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Spring into Savings!

Happy First Day of Spring! Our geese friends Jay and P. are outside honking, we’re taking our allergy medicine each morning because the trees are starting to blossom, and the grey winter sky is starting to turn into a happy blue! Finally, spring is here! That means it is time to spring into savings with Parish Giving! Large Parish, small parish, it doesn’t matter!  You can pick and choose online solutions that work for you.  Continue reading to find out how!

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Food Banks and Thanksgiving: The Importance of Giving during the Holiday’s

The holiday’s; it’s a time of the year most of us look forward to. Big dinners, the house is warmed with a turkey in the oven, and your family is gathered around the dining room table giving thanks for their blessings of the past year. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to provide that hot turkey, delicious pies, or even a warm home. That is where Food Banks, Soup Kitchens, and St. Vincent de Paul society comes in. You are provided with either the essentials to help you with your family meal, or a place to eat and enjoy conversation with others in your community.

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Halloween: To Trick or Treat, or Trunk or Treat?

Pumpkins, leaves changing colors, less daylight; all of this can mean one thing – Halloween is quickly approaching! Children will be dressed as a pumpkin, their favorite superhero/character, a ghost, etc. School parades, tricky trays and the ever popular trunk or treat and trick or treats! This leaves the question of which is better: to trick or treat, or to trunk or treat?

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Youth Ministry: How You Belong in the Church

Often times once you are confirmed in the church, you may struggle with a reason to attend Mass anymore. You feel as though you have learned enough through Religious Education, and that attending Mass will not provide any real benefit to your life. That is simply not true. As we mature, our minds widen. That is why it is important to attend Mass and allow our minds to develop with Catholic teachings. Youth Ministry (YM) allows us to do so.

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Why use our Forms?

Church is about much more than just religion; it’s about building a community. What better way to build a community than to offer events at your parish. It brings people together that share a common bond, values and other interests. Everything from a Parish Picnic to Baseball and everything in between are great activities and fund raisers for the church. It can all be simplified with an online giving form too!

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