Catholic Roots of Halloween

It’s always exciting when we discover a new parish or diocese to follow on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. A couple of weeks ago I began to follow the Diocese of Syracuse on Twitter. They have a hashtag that they use called #CatholicFactsFriday. Some fun facts are that Michelangelo is the most famous and accomplished Catholic artist in history, or 15% of hospitals in the US are Catholic hospitals, or even that the Vatican is 108 acres. One #CatholicFactsFriday that made me stop and think was that Halloween has Catholic Roots. Needless to say, I did my homework and discovered that it is true!

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Holiday Checklist

We are all in denial about it, but when we changed our calendar from September to October this past week, we could no long put it off. It’s time to create our checklist for the holidays. People are decorating their homes with Halloween decorations and soon they’ll be stringing their Christmas lights. That means you need to make sure you have your priorities set and Parish Giving on speed dial!

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Halloween: To Trick or Treat, or Trunk or Treat?

Pumpkins, leaves changing colors, less daylight; all of this can mean one thing – Halloween is quickly approaching! Children will be dressed as a pumpkin, their favorite superhero/character, a ghost, etc. School parades, tricky trays and the ever popular trunk or treat and trick or treats! This leaves the question of which is better: to trick or treat, or to trunk or treat?

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Youth Ministry – Top 5 Reasons as to Why Your Church Should Have One

Youth Ministries seem to be popping up more frequently around the Catholic Church. Growing up, my family’s church didn’t have one. I never understood the importance of gathering with my peers and having discussions about faith, and fun activities to do with one another. So I thought I’d share 5 reasons as to why your church should have one so today’s youth doesn’t miss out on all the fun!

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