Helping Those Around You

“…‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:40

Upon reading the first time, it took me a bit to process what was being said. Is this meant to be a compliment or a lesson to learn? Then again, why can’t it be both? Think about your current daily life and if someone you know and respected said it to you. How would you react? It’s time we all begin to help others, slow down and not be so busy. We need to be out of our own heads and realize what all we have to be grateful for. Here are some ways you can implement this scripture into your everyday life.

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The Heart and Soul of the Parish Community

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘what are you doing for others?’”. It is a good question to ask yourself – what are you doing for others? In this day and age volunteering seems to be done by two groups of people: those who are required to do it for school, and those who are retired with time on their hands. What about the rest of us? We say we want to, but never do. Here’s how we can change it – let’s volunteer!

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More Love G4G

As we revisit G4G, we have learned that perseverance always pays off!

Love can be defined as a strong feeling of deep affection.

This must be the most difficult blog I’ve written to date. As someone who is childless in their mid-30’s, I have been debating how I need to approach this topic for weeks. It is not to say I have little empathy for those who are not able to raise their own child, but rather I have too much empathy for the child who was dealt this lot in life. I’ll never forget my sociology professor my freshman year of college stated that, “we choose our parents”. I cannot imagine any child choosing for their parents to be absent in their lives. With all this being said, Gratitude 4 Grandparents is the silver lining in these child’s lives.

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Congratulations to us! We made it to our 100th blog! We thought a great way to celebrate number 100 was to give our readers a Wellness blog. As you have read from us in the past, we are supporters and advocates for self-love and wellness. Here are some of our tips for a day of wellness, or ways to just un-wind from your hectic day. Enjoy!

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Holiday Checklist

We are all in denial about it, but when we changed our calendar from September to October this past week, we could no long put it off. It’s time to create our checklist for the holidays. People are decorating their homes with Halloween decorations and soon they’ll be stringing their Christmas lights. That means you need to make sure you have your priorities set and Parish Giving on speed dial!

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May Day

Happy May Day! May 1st around the world is celebrated as May Day. It is a prominent holiday celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere, but mostly in European countries and North America. Think typical spring festivals like singing, traditional dances and maypoles! The holiday dates back over millennia ago, and has many different origin and traditions! Let’s explore some!

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Travel for the Holiday’s

Thanksgiving is perhaps one of the busiest travel holidays of the year. College students are coming home for the first time since the beginning of the semester, friends and family are flying in from out of town and roads are busier due to the long holiday weekend. Are you one of the millions travelling this Thanksgiving? If you are, Parish Giving is here to help!

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