Rocky Railway

It’s finally summertime. Things are returning to normal, especially compared to last year at this time. Kids and adults are encouraged to socialize with one another again. Plenty of hugs and social interaction are going around. Vacation Bible School is also making a comeback this summer with many parishes. Are you and your child(ren) ready for a week of VBS? If not, we have the perfect blog for you to read! Let’s have a great summer with VBS!

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Religious Education – The Parent’s Side


After much discussion, we decided to write two different blogs this week about Religious Education. We already informed you as to why you should send your child(ren) to Religious Education; now we thought we’d let you know how easy it is to sign up! Since we want to cater to both our parishes and parents, we thought we’d do a blog focusing on each individual! Look out for a part 2 for parishes later on this week!

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