Summer Vacation

It’s already the end of May. Mother’s Day has passed, and so has Memorial Day weekend! By this time, the kids have a countdown to the last day of school, and parents are finalizing their vacations and their kid’s summer activities. What’s left to do? Remember your parish during the crazy days of summer.

  • Beach house

Most of us know someone with a vacation home of some sort. For some of us it is a trailer we are able to keep down the shore, while others are lucky enough to have a cute bungalow or cottage at the beach. Either way, during the summer time it is a nice treat to go down and know you have a place to stay for a holiday weekend and not have to worry about traffic!

The last thing on our mind during a long holiday weekend is where is the closest church? Instead, you can just give your weekly offering online through Parish Giving, and enjoy a cup of coffee on your deck watching the sun come up. Now that is a religious experience in itself – the natural beauty we have all around us. Plus, many churches have communion on the beach. What a wonderful experience!

  •  Road Trip

Sometimes you need a mini road trip in your life. Go visit the World’s Largest Paperclip, or the World’s Largest Rubber Band Ball. How great would it be to see them in real life? Staying in a motel along the way from stop to stop is also a part of the adventure! It’s also fun to find different Catholic Churches to attend. Perhaps there is one with old stained glass windows, or perhaps the oldest church in Arizona. It is something to see!

Your parish at home will still receive your weekly offering so long as you have used Parish Giving. We allow weekly debits, or as needed – your choice!

  • Staycation

This is a popular theme for many summer vacations! Why go to one place, when you can take multiple day trips from your home? Go to the city one day, the shore the next and the local pool for another! So much fun right at your doorstep! The only problem is losing track of what day it is!

So long as you have a computer, or any other mobile device, you can make sure your weekly offering has been given through Parish Giving. Put the amount in the first Sunday of vacation then have it taken out the following! Just relax and enjoy the warm sunshine of summer! You can also set an alarm in your calendar to remind you what day it is!

Summer is a time when we are supposed to spend time with our families. That’s what is most important. We at Parish Giving understand that sometimes you are unable to attend mass every Sunday (and that’s okay!), but still want to give your weekly offering. That is why we offering online payments on our easy to use website. Just visit to see how! Enjoy the sunshine during summer 2018!