As we mentioned in last week’s blog, it’s never too early to plan for fall. Our teachers are gearing up for a new school year, and so should our parishes. We want to make sure that you are utilizing Parish Giving to benefit you the most! Keep reading to find out how!
The best way to advertise that you are using Parish Giving is to display it! We understand that you want as little clutter in the vestibule as possible, but showing a small poster of Parish Giving will help attract parishioners and visitors alike. If you are interested in a poster, we can create one here for you to use. It can be anything from an existing insert or just our logo.
Offertory Cards
We all know that members of the parish have offertory envelopes for their weekly donations. Instead of placing an empty envelope in the collection basket you should pick up one of our Parish Giving offertory cards. We send them to parishes to place out in the church at various places to encourage online giving. When placed in the offertory basket people will know right away that they use Parish Giving for their weekly offering.
The best part about the offertory cards is that they are reusable. Once they are in the collection basket you can then take them out and place them in the pews (or vestibule) so they can be used again. Once you begin to run low just let us know. We’ll send you a fresh stack of cards!
Prior to the beginning of mass have a lector make an announcement about Parish Giving. Remind those who are both visitors and parishioners that they can still give to the collection even if they left their envelope/cash/check at home that they can still give (and not have to waste a stamp!).
Remind people that even though it is summer, their weekly offering is missed on Sunday’s they are not at mass. Parish Giving can also assist with that since it will be automatically taken out each week. Inform your parishioners that they can set up an account and have the same amount taken out each week. No need to stress or fuss prior to mass. This also helps the parish because they are guaranteed the same amount week to week.
As you can see from our past two blogs there are numerous ways to attract more parishioners towards online giving. The ease, security and convenience are the selling points, but the financial stability is why it’s important for the church. If you have any questions feel free to give us a call or email us if you’d like to discuss it more. We look forward to helping you!