Living Life to the Fullest

Preface: On a recent trip abroad, a surprising yet everyday occurring event happened on the airplane. It was one of those things that makes you reevaluate your life. I wondered if I was living my life to the fullest. Was I taking enough chances or playing the game of life too safe? Either way I knew I had to change because everyday is a blessing that should be taken full advantage of.

Waking up each day, what is the first thing you do? Probably make sure everyone in the house is up and ready for work and school. Now that summer vacation is over, we must get back to the daily grind. Wake up, make sure the kids are all set, make lunch, do the school drop off, go to work, pick the kids up, make dinner, do homework and repeat the same scenario the next couple of days. Although having a routine is great, sometimes you need to switch things up a bit. Here are a few different ways that you can live your life to the fullest without having to sacrifice your responsibilities.

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Spring into Savings!

Happy First Day of Spring! Our geese friends Jay and P. are outside honking, we’re taking our allergy medicine each morning because the trees are starting to blossom, and the grey winter sky is starting to turn into a happy blue! Finally, spring is here! That means it is time to spring into savings with Parish Giving! Large Parish, small parish, it doesn’t matter!  You can pick and choose online solutions that work for you.  Continue reading to find out how!

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What to Give Up for Lent

Lent is the time of year in the church in which we reflect and prepare for Easter. We are asked to give up something that means a lot to us for 40 days as a way to represent Jesus’s sacrifice during his journey through the desert for that amount of time. Some people give up chocolate or other delicious treats, but what about giving up things that are not as traditional? Here are some items you could be giving up during Lent rather than just meat on Friday’s.

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