Back to the Pew

It’s that time of the year. Christmas and Epiphany are now over, and when we see snow in the forecast, the Easter season is not in site. So, the question becomes, “how do we put our parishioners back in the pew”? Well, we think we have the answer for this – you must welcome them back and you can do it with your social media accounts. Don’t worry, we’ll show you how!

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Acceptance – What You Can Control

God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.

Things are always changing. You can view this in a positive or a negative way, but you are the one in control of how you accept the change. We thought this week’s blog post would be about acceptance and what you can control. We are navigating these tricky waters with our readers and thought we would share with you our experiences so far. Let us show you how we are learning to accept our ever-changing world.

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Religious Education – More than just becoming an Adult in the Church

We learn as we grow. As children and young adults, we learn daily lessons at school each day. This helps our mind to develop, and for us to start thinking freely. As adults, we learn to apply those lessons to life. It is the same with Religious Education: as children we learn the lesson, and as adults we learn to relate it to life. This is why Religious Education will always be a building block in life and in learning.

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