Holiday Checklist

We are all in denial about it, but when we changed our calendar from September to October this past week, we could no long put it off. It’s time to create our checklist for the holidays. People are decorating their homes with Halloween decorations and soon they’ll be stringing their Christmas lights. That means you need to make sure you have your priorities set and Parish Giving on speed dial!

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Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week of May brings Teacher Appreciation Week. Since it’s towards the end of the school year, it is a great time to reminisce and think about all the things that your teacher or teachers have done for their students. It does not matter if they are their grade school teacher, religious education teacher or an extra-curricular teacher. They all bring something to the classroom.

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Much more than just an Online Giving Site

When you see the name Parish Giving, you automatically think all we are about is your weekly offering toward your parish. Well here is a surprise – it is so much more than that! Parish Giving is about giving back to your community and to your parish. Your weekly church offering is just skimming the surface of what we are about!

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