As we mentioned in last week’s blog, it’s never too early to plan for fall. Our teachers are gearing up for a new school year, and so should our parishes. We want to make sure that you are utilizing Parish Giving to benefit you the most! Keep reading to find out how!
Tag: Announcements
Time, Talent and Treasure
Sharing Your Abilities with the Community
We thought we’d offer a different kind of blog for you this week; something about the community. As you know Parish Giving is a part of John Patrick Publishing. Since many parishioners notice their phone number on the back of the bulletin, JPP often receives phone calls from parishioners about needing a handyman service. We politely direct them to their parish office and ask them speak to someone who takes care of the bulletin and have them put an announcement in for them. This brought up the idea of sharing your abilities with those in your community so you can help make it a better place.